My side of the story -- Today I was awakened by a ripping sound, followed by pig snorts! In my dazed stupor, I pulled on my glasses and peered over the side of the bed to see Heinz, who had been freed from crate-tivity by Don, snorting and pulling on the velcro tab of my shoe. I managed to retrieve my shoe, and get dressed to face the day's adventures!
Heinz's side of the story -- Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Don's coming downstairs to let me out of the crate and feed me! Oh, crate's opening -- swoosh -- I am out the door, and outside on the deck where my exploding bladder is released! Not sure why they keep wanting me to go all the way over to grass, but oh well, they can hose down the deck (again!) Breakfast! Hey, where's that other person who lives here? Let me go see if she'll play! Snort, snort, sniff, sniff. She's up there, but hey, this toy looks like fun, and there's two of them! Hmm -- what's she doing taking my toy away? It was in the floor, so it must be a dog toy? Right? Oh, she's putting on her shorts -- those are close to floor -- so I can grab those and run, right? No? She's getting a shirt off the hangar! That's getting close to floor -- so that must be a dog toy too? Right? No?
And, thus our day begins!
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