Thursday, October 3, 2013

Send My Human Back to Work!  

Have you no mercy for helpless animals who love to spend their days lounging around the house, sleeping and eating?   My entire routine is a wreck!  My human wants me go outside, wants me to go for a walk, and worst of all -- wants me to smell good!

So today, I was subjected to the dreaded bath.  In additional to soaping up all my parts and hosing me down, I also had my ears cleaned.

Thank goodness she doesn't know how to express my glands or she would have stuck her hand up nether regions in the name of good doggie hygiene!

Send her back to work before she thinks of some other disastrous disruption to my otherwise cushy life!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hiking on Grandfather Mountain!

Finally, I was not banished to Doggy Prison when Linda and Don went on vacation!  I got to go visit Eric and Maeve in Boone, NC, and visit Grandfather Mountain and the North Carolina Arboretum, as well as visit my soul mate -- Linda's sister Amy!

Here I am at the swinging bridge!  I zoomed across it, but they wouldn't let me go with them out on the rocks.  Don said that I clearly was not a Billy Goat after I almost slid off the mountain.  Harumph!  Really?  Does it take a rocket scientist to tell the difference between a Cocker Spaniel and a Billy Goat?  I think not!

I had a great time looking over at the mountains and greeting all of my adoring fans as they came across the bridge!

Then we went for a hike.  I loved that!  We passed lots of people with dogs, but apparently Cocker Spaniels are a rare hiking dog.  I got lots of double takes, and I heard lots of people ask what I was, or if I was a Cocker Spaniel.  What did they think I was -- a Billy Goat?

I think I look like a rather sporting little spaniel! But apparently Eric was confused and thought I was a suitcase as he grabbed my by my harness and tried to hoist me up a ladder.  As you can see, I was not thrilled with that idea!

And since they all agreed that I was not a Billy Goat, I was left at the bottom of the ladder and the giant rock with Linda!

It was a fun trip!  There were load of things to climb over and around and jump on and jump over and sniff and pee on!  It was great!

And when Eric wasn't hauling me around like a suitcase, he was lots of fun to play with.  I like Maeve too!  I like them sooo much that I didn't pee in the their house at all!

In fact, I was so good on vacation, I think Linda and Don will probably take me again!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Heinz Completes His First 5K!

Here I am, huffin' and puffin' my way around Patterson Park during the BARCStoberfest 5K -- oh wait, that's Don huffin' and puffin', I'm just getting warmed up!  I could easily do another 5K, but it looks like there are lots of treats to be had!  And I was right!

Wow, I was sniffin' out treats everywhere!  But Don wasn't letting me have them all!  He kept them in a big bag and doled them out -- but I am soooo incredibly cute that lots of people gave me treats and they came over to pet me. Oh, yeah!  It was a great day!

Of course, after we got home, Mom forgot that she had started to take all the treats out of the bag and left them on the table!  SCORE!  

Some of the dogs at BARCStoberfest were dressed up in costumes -- but I'm so cute, I don't need a costume!  If you want to take a look, here's the link: BARCStoberfest 2012.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Clipped Shorter than the Easter Bunny!

Since Heinz doesn't get new Easter attire, he has received a new "do" that make him look like a little black and white beagle with no tail!  Here he is sniffing out some treats -- but unfortunately for Heinz, his "find" is not that good! 

I showed him the treat, let him sniff it, let him watch me throw in directly in front of him -- told him to find, and he immediately ran off in the opposite direction!  Cute, but not so smart!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Heinz Finds Love at the Dog Park!

My view:  How mortifying that Heinz spent most of his time at the dog park with his nose up another dog's behind, drooling.  Really.  Heinz, the dog who won't play, was glued to this other dog's tail -- they looked like one long dog with a set of legs in the middle.  And when Molly ( the Aussie/Border Collie Mix who was the object of Heinz's affections) would jump up on the dog ramp, Heinz would look up at her adoringly, wagging his little stubby tail like he does when we come home!  Don had to bring a towel from the car to wipe all of Heinz' drool off of Molly!

Heinz' view: I'm in love! Her name is Molly and she smells wonderful!  She has has the most beautiful blue eyes ever!  And the shiniest black hair!  And the most wonderful long tail!  And did I mention that she smells soooo goood!  I couldn't stop sniffing and drooling over her!  I think she likes me!  She didn't bark at me or chase me -- she just stood there looking beautiful.  I'm sooo happy -- I tried to go home with her!  I hope mom got her number!  I can't wait to see her again!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Walmart Moment in the Whole Foods Parking Lot

Ever been in a Walmart when women are screaming at their children, dragging them along and telling them to quit crying before "I give you something to cry about?"  Well imagine that -- then picture me as the Crazed Mom and Heinz as the Kid in Trouble. Then, instead of the Walmart, picture me at the Whole Foods store parking lot.

I had picked Heinz up from doggy prision, where he and Jake had been sentenced to six days because we went to TN for Thanksgiving.  It was cold and dark, and I'd told Don I'd go to Whole Foods to pick up groceries.  But I wanted to take Heinz out, and there's a nice dog store there, so I packed him up, and off we went!

Nice little visit to the dog store, and I left Heinz in the back of my Rav4 while I went to get groceries.  Since I ended up with three bags, I thought, in my infinite wisdom, that I should put the groceries in the back and put Heinz in the front (I harness him to the seat).  So I sat the groceries on the ground, opened the back of the Rav4 and started helping Heinz out. 

As Heinz was coming down over the groceries, he spied a loaf of bread and faster than you can say "oh no!" Heinz had chomped the loaf in a death grip.  I tried to pry his mouth open, while explaining that he just cannot have a loaf of bread wrapped in plastic!  I soon realized that I did indeed look like a maniac, wrestling with Heinz over a loaf of bread in the parking lot!

So I drag him around to the car to the front seat -- his jaws have not loosened one iota.  I get him into the front passenger seat -- and am still wrestling with him, when a women comes by to get in the car next to me.  She looks at me like I am a lunatic -- I can't imagine why!  I explain that the dog has a loaf of bread. She smiles and nods (and I expect goes off to call PETA). 

My efforts to pry the loaf out of his mouth are going nowhere, so I decide that I'll just have to rip the loaf apart.  So I start by ripping off the parts of the loaf that are hanging out both sides of his mouth -- and I throw it into the back of the Rav4.  Then I proceed to dig every possible piece of bread and plastic out of his locked jaws and throw them into the back.  Finally, I think that he will not die from asphixiation from plastic or constipation from bread, and I harness him in and go back to the groceries.

As I come around to the back of my Rav4, I see pieces of bread lying all over the parking lot!  Since I'd left the back open during my wrestling match, all the bread had gone flying out the back!   I had this vision of people walking back to their cars and ducking the pieces of flying bread -- great!

I hurriedly picked it all up, stuffed it into the back of my car and got outta there before PETA showed up!  So, if you hear anyone talking about seeing flying bread this week in the Whole Foods parking lot, they are not making it up!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Heinz Finally Is Best in Obedience Class -- At Jumping!

Let's just say Heinz is remarkably like our son when it comes to doing what we ask -- you can see him pondering the question, "What's in it for me?" Unlike Jake the Psycho Sheltie who does have an innate desire to please, Heinz is definitely a GenX dog!

Heel, sit, stay, down, etc. -- he'll randomly obey.  And we missed two weeks of class to go to Hawaii (amazing!).  So, at the end of this week's class, the instructor said, "Let's do something just for fun!".  He took out a low fence used in agility and explained that we'd teach the dogs to jump.  Teach Heinz to Jump?  That's like saying we are going to teach him to breathe!   

The instructor goes over what to do, and asks if anyone wants to try.  No one says anything -- I think they are just shy and no one wants to go first --- So I volunteer!  I go sprinting toward the obstacle, let out the lead and go around it while Heinz goes sailing over!  Perfect!    Yeahhhh Heinz!