Saturday, October 16, 2010

Heinz Finally Is Best in Obedience Class -- At Jumping!

Let's just say Heinz is remarkably like our son when it comes to doing what we ask -- you can see him pondering the question, "What's in it for me?" Unlike Jake the Psycho Sheltie who does have an innate desire to please, Heinz is definitely a GenX dog!

Heel, sit, stay, down, etc. -- he'll randomly obey.  And we missed two weeks of class to go to Hawaii (amazing!).  So, at the end of this week's class, the instructor said, "Let's do something just for fun!".  He took out a low fence used in agility and explained that we'd teach the dogs to jump.  Teach Heinz to Jump?  That's like saying we are going to teach him to breathe!   

The instructor goes over what to do, and asks if anyone wants to try.  No one says anything -- I think they are just shy and no one wants to go first --- So I volunteer!  I go sprinting toward the obstacle, let out the lead and go around it while Heinz goes sailing over!  Perfect!    Yeahhhh Heinz!